MedAccessBC has submitted feedback to the latest Notice and Comment request by PMPRB. After three unsuccessful implementation dates for the updated PMPRB Guidelines, another set of revisions were put out for feedback, under Notice and Comment, on July 15, 2021. An initial deadline of August 15 was extended to August 31, 2021 for submission of feedback, right in the middle of summer. These updated Guidelines are scheduled to come in to force on January 1, 2022.
Patients would like to see lower priced medicines, but not at the cost of experiencing more drug shortages, reduced innovative drug launches in Canada, and reduced health research and development in Canada. A fair balance is needed which requires all of us to work together and engage on the issues affecting fair and equitable access to medicines.
Have your say by bringing up your medicine access issues with your federal political candidate as this Federal Election gets underway.